MPMS Accounts Receivable follow-up provides ways to minimize overdue accounts, improve clinic operations, and keep accounts receivable under control. In order to do this, it is MPMS' main goal to:
- Work closely with each practice to have superior front desk processes to maximize the number of clean claims filed.
- Monitor and provide monthly reports on the number of claims filed and the number of claims submitted that weren’t clean.
- Work denied claims within 48 hours of being notified they have been denied.
- Follow up on self-pay accounts with no response from the patient at 60 days.
- Double check all accounts with balances over 60 days past due to be sure action is being taken to resolve issues.
- Document all actions the system allows so clients have access to whatever action MPMS has taken.
- Review returned mail for action within 48 hours of receipt.
- Review credit balances each month and collaborate with the client for their resolution.
- Strive for less than 10% of accounts receivable being over 120 days old.